May 25, 2009 14:54
Oh what the hell, fine I'll do it too.
Comment here with your characters' names and find out what my characters fantasize about you, if they do. NOTE: Most of these WON'T be sexual because I play a bunch of retards.
And that'd be for Ikki, Mokona, Kenshin, Goku, L, and Zack.
baa baa sheep,
fantasy meme
Apr 11, 2009 17:38
Which of my characters' canons are you familiar with? (i.e. have watched/played enough to know what they're about.)
Poll Canon Familiarity Poll
Also APOLOGIES to people who've threaded with me lately; I'm still super-flaky and kind of hooked on playing Crisis Core at the moment, so replies will be sporadic and may take a day or two. I APOLOGIZE FOR MY UTTER FAIL.
baa baa sheep,
wtf is wrong with me